Embracing Change

“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.” – Brian Tracy
When I returned to my old job, I'm not sure what my expectations were. When I dreamed of it I knew that it would be different but I don’t think I took into consideration of how different it would be.

For years I worked in the same county and knew just about everyone in the industry whether they sent their business to our company or not. We were in organizations, study groups, causes, sports and social circles together. I always just figured that it was a matter of time before I conquered it all.

When I returned I had to start my business in a new area and build all new relationships – not hard just a change.

I knew our company’s system – the forms – the regulations – the boundaries – the rules of expectation. In one year all of these have changed.

I constantly find myself in situations where everything is familiar but changed enough that there is no easy way to get the job done. For example – clients have changed offices and offices have closed (it is like someone shuffeled the deck of cards and where they landed is where they can be found and good luck finding them) – the required reports are the same but the format is different – the regulations are similar but have changed enough that I constantly have to refer to the manual – my workstation has different programs or lacks the ones I am familiar with. You know what I mean – same song just Muzak.

After working on the job for about a month we had a huge change in the company. One of our fearless leaders decided to move on and someone that was familiar took his place. The fear that was created by this change was remarkable. I absolutely came undone…..newly returned – bottom of the totem pole – the person that knew me and brought me back was the one that left – I had no established territory – and the plans for me had not been implemented so it left me sort of hanging out there. I mean I was falling apart and to make it worse , I knew that I was driving my supervisor crazy with my fear filled questions that he didn't have the answers for because as good natured as he is, I think he was touched by a little fear as well.

The whole company was frozen by the change. This following a very tuff year in our business was almost too much for everyone to take. The rumor mill was filled with negative news, (just like the nations news), the employees from top to bottom were completely shaken – so why wouldn’t I be frightened as well??

A week or two have gone by and several things have gotten straightened out.
I have settled into a territory that I can call mine.
I have brought in new business, (and you know that in sales that is the top reward next to compensation).
I have met with the new head of the company and I found him very charismatic and brilliant at the same time.
He listened when I talked and I listened when he talked.

I left my fear on the sidewalk that day.

The point I want to make on this entry today is in the quote by Brian Tracy posted above. Is the fear of change really just being a control freak? If you are in sales do you think that you can control anything? By embracing and mastering change you will find yourself handling your life and work in a more positive, relaxing and productive manner.

Don’t you agree that in this ever changing people business, embracing change is the only way to the top?

See You There