Prospecting - the Heart of Sales

6 Powerful Prospecting Strategies
1. Prospecting for new business is like working out You know it is good for you and it will produce positive results if you do it routinely.. It is important to block-off specific time on your calendar for prospecting activities such as phone calling and emailing. Treat your prospecting time with the same respect as you would any other important appointment, otherwise, there is a tendency that it will slip through the cracks.

2. Be Prepared, get organized and take good notes Break your territory up into three areas signifying Tuesday thru Thursday. Keep your car, briefcase, and data base organized by replenishing and updating daily. * write down what happened on each call as soon as possible so you can follow up with ease.

3. Use a script There is only one thing worse than listening to a salesperson read a script over the phone and that is to listen to a salesperson without a script. Obviously, it is important to not only have a script but to practice it until it sounds smooth and natural. When prospecting, avoid the temptation to sell over the phone. Your objective is to gather information and make the appointment.

4. Strike while the iron is hot! When working with a new prospect, it is important to make contact quickly. Prospects are perishable. No matter how interested a prospect may appear, don’t wait for them to call you. You are only one of many competing interests for your prospect’s time and money.

5. Keep the high ground and keep the conversation positive. It is fair to make head to head comparisons with your competition but never allow yourself to bad mouth them. Be the leader of positive conversation. Below, you will find several websites that are full of positive news in the real estate and lending worlds - gather several thoughts to carry throughout your prospecting day.

6. Rejection is a natural aspect of the sales process so don’t take it personally. Learn from rejection, use it as a feedback mechanism and look for ways to improve your presentation. Salespeople who take rejection personally lack perseverance and seldom make the sale. Sales is a numbers game pure and simple. As a professional baseball player, if you can average four hits out of ten times at bat you are heading for the Hall of Fame. Research indicates that in sales you can expect your prospect to say no five times before they buy. With this in mind, realize that with every sales rejection you receive, you are one step closer to making the sale!